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【2024 cacaFly #NEXT 】AI 零售革命|決勝數據新賽道


隨著 RMN(Retail Media Networks)的興起,零售產業和品牌得以更精準地觸及目標受眾,大幅提升廣告投放的成效❗️

本次活動將深入探討 RMN 技術與 AI 驅動的數據分析,全面了解消費者需求與行為模式,為品牌主們提供智能化的解決方案。一起迎戰新賽道上的多元挑戰,幫助您在這個競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出🚀

🎯 準備好和我們一起掌握未來商機,領先對手嗎?


🎯活動主題:AI 零售革命 | 決勝數據新賽道

⏰活動時間:10/23 (三)13:00 開放入場

📍活動地點:松菸誠品表演廳 B1 (台北市信義區菸廠路88號 B1)

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1 Comment

3 天前

I found your insights on retail and AI really thought-provoking. It’s fascinating how technology drives change in the industry. Personally, I’ve been looking into health issues, particularly around treatments like Tirzepatide. I came across this post that was quite informative: It dives into how Tirzepatide might be linked to back pain and offers useful tips for managing it. As someone interested in both health and innovation, I found it a great resource worth checking out!

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